What to Expect When Moving From the City to the Suburbs

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    You may be considering a move from the city to the suburbs. Perhaps you want more interior space or a yard, or maybe you now telework and no longer need to live as close to your downtown office. Moving to the suburbs involves more than just a new home. It’s a lifestyle change.

    Here are some tips on what to expect when moving from the city to the suburbs.

    Less Cost Per Square Foot

    Because space is at a premium in the city, housing tends to cost more per square foot than in the suburbs. You may find you can buy a larger home or rent a larger apartment for the same amount of money you were paying in the city.

    Limited Business Hours

    Urban restaurants, bars, convenience stores, and other businesses may stay open all night or into the wee hours. In the suburbs, however, opening hours are more limited. So you may have to adjust to not making a midnight run for milk or pizza.

    You Might Need a Car

    Generally, cities have a well-developed transportation infrastructure that includes buses, subways, and light rail. This infrastructure is less developed in the suburbs, however. If these transportation modes exist, they tend to run less frequently. So while you may not have needed a car in the city, you’ll likely need one in the suburbs.

    You May Walk Fewer Steps

    When you live in the city, you can walk to stores, restaurants, and public transportation hubs. However, most suburbs lack this walkability. Therefore, you may need to join a gym to get the same amount of exercise you got by running daily errands in the city.

    Children Will Have Adjustments Too

    In the city, you often take children to the park or a local activity center for recreation. However, a suburban house typically comes with enough space for a swing set and recreational items in the yard.

    Also, more than half of all families with children live in the suburbs, while only one-third live in the city. As a result, you may find arranging play dates and other activities more accessible. Your child also may find making friends easier.

    Shopping Habits May Change

    A similar phenomenon also may affect how you shop for other items. For example, when you live in the city, chances are you visit the market several times a week and buy only as many groceries as you can easily carry home on foot or bike. However, in the suburbs, you’ll likely end up driving to a supermarket and are more likely to load a week’s worth of food into your car.

    Pets Need to Adjust

    City life and suburban life are different for pets, too. City pets are accustomed to the sounds of honking horns, but in the suburbs, they may hear birds or wind instead. They’ll have a backyard for the first time, and you may need to train them on how to behave there. You’ll want to keep cats inside for a while, then monitor them carefully when you let them outside until they are fully acclimated.

    Making the Big Move

    Making the transition from city life to a suburban one is significant. You have a lot to plan for and take care of. Let us help get you to your new home. Contact today for a free quote.