How to Prepare for an Office Move

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    Moving your whole office is a very complex and detail-oriented task. What makes it even more difficult is the fact that you have to think about your employees, transitional workflows, and many other important things. However, office moving is also very exciting. It gives you a chance to achieve a better layout and organization in your brand-new office space. That is exactly why it is important to approach the matter methodically and plan way ahead of time. Here are some professional tips we’ve compiled based on our long tradition of performing successful office moves.

    1. Make a checklist

    When it comes to moving office, checklists are your best friend. Because the logistics of moving is so complex, it is important to write down everything – it will save you a lot of headaches in the long run. Here are some examples of what to include in your checklist:

    • Assess and list components of your company’s IT infrastructure
    • Backup important data and files before the moving day
    • Cancel utilities, internet, and electricity
    • Create an inventory of all the company’s belongings
    • Determine which items can be reused and which items need to be discarded
    • Hire a professional cleaning service
    • Identify the damages at the old office space
    • Notify the employees
    • Print out the layout of your new office space
    • Send a relocation notification to clients and vendors

    2. Talk to your employees

    Employees are the most vital part of any company. Their satisfaction is very important, so talking to them before the moving day is a must. They should be aware of the whole timeline in advance, so they would know how to organize their time and work. Moreover, you can ask for suggestions on how to set up the new place. They are, after all, working there on a daily basis, so they will definitely have some tips on how to improve the layout, organization, mood, and the overall flow of the new workplace. Here is some information that they should be aware of:

    • Date/time of the move
    • New office details and location
    • Explain why the move is happening – company growth, problems with the old place, etc
    • Ask them to help if necessary
    • Explain if and how the move will affect their work schedule


    3. Book movers in advance

    If you want to receive the best service, then taking your time choosing the perfect moving company and booking it in advance will have many benefits. Not only will you have a wider variety of companies to choose from, but you will also feel much more relaxed knowing that you’ve taken care of the most important tasks ahead of time. It is ideal to book your movers at least two to three months ahead to avoid having to work with unreputable companies. Booking a moving company in advance is also budget-friendly because you are likely to get better quotes. Here’s what to look for when booking movers:

    • License
    • Insurance
    • Straightforward quotes
    • Good online reviews


    4. Create an inventory list

    Creating an inventory list is another must-do thing because it will allow you to be aware of how much stuff there is, or if there’s something that needs to be bought. Having an inventory list will also enable you to plan the design of your new place and think of where to place everything. Also, once the office move is complete, you will be able to easily check whether something is missing, instead of nervously sifting through items and trying to memorize everything. Here’s how you can section your inventory list:

    • Documents
    • Electronics
    • Furniture
    • IT infrastructure
    • Miscellaneous items
    • Department 1
    • Department 2


    5. Create a moving committee

    Lastly, it is very important to include your employees in this process, because they will be equally affected by the move. You can do that by forming a moving committee, which should be comprised of employees from each department who either volunteered or were picked by other employees to perform this duty. Including people from different departments is crucial because it leaves less room for error. Here are some of the tasks that the moving committee can be responsible for:

    • Arranging a tour of the new place
    • Create an inventory list for their respective departments
    • Distributing new office keys and identification cards
    • Scheduling post-move training for safety procedures
    • Throwing an office-warming party


    Moving office doesn’t always have to be so stressful and terrifying. If done methodically, then the whole experience will be a breeze. Good organization is the key to success, though. So, make sure to plan ahead and have control over every step in the process. Since office moves are usually much larger than commercial or residential moves, and they affect the company’s employees as well, it is crucial to be very smart, diligent, and well-organized. Soon, you’ll be able to loosen up at an office-warming party in your brand new workplace.