How To Declutter Before Moving

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    Decluttering before moving sounds like a lot of work and it certainly can be. BUT… it can actually save you time and energy on the other side of the move. Plus, you spend less by moving only belongings you’ll use in the new place. If we’ve sold you on the idea of decluttering prior to moving day but you’re not exactly sure what that looks like, we’ve got you! Read on for tips on how to purge your home of items you no longer have use for.

    How to start the decluttering process

    The best way to tackle this particular job is to start in one room. Arm yourself with a trash bag (or several), boxes to hold items to donate, and designate a space for items that you’ll keep (they can be boxed up later).


    What to toss and what to take to your new home

    Chances are you’ve accumulated a lot of belongings over the years. That can make this process a bit tougher- after all, memories spark emotions. Start with something easy like throwing away your belongings that are broken, chipped, or otherwise damaged. Unless you can and will fix them, they shouldn’t be moved.

    You should also throw away items such as:

    • Expired or unused prescriptions & OTC medicine
    • Magazines, newspapers, and cardboard boxes that have seen better days
    • Bedsheets, towels, and other linens that are ripped, stained, etc.
    • Toiletries that are almost gone
    • Dried out pens, markers, and art supplies
    • Clothes that have holes, rips, stains, etc.

    Once you’ve whittled your belongings down, prepare yourself for the task to get a bit harder. To help you decide what to do with the remaining items, ask yourself this series of questions:

    • Do I love it?
    • Have I used it recently?
    • Do I plan on using it?
    • Do I have more than one?
    • Does it fit?
    • Will I miss it if I give it away?

    What to donate

    Donating items not only extends the life of items you once valued, it’s a great way to help others. So, what should you donate? It might depend on where you take your belongings (many places won’t take car seats, recalled items, or paint and household chemicals) but homeowners often donate:

    • Furniture
    • Kitchen gadgets
    • Clothing
    • Shoes
    • Holiday decorations
    • Picture frames and other home décor

    Once you’ve decluttered your home, dropped off donated items, and removed the trash take a few minutes to prepare for the next step- moving!